Redox Medicine 2023 Best Poster Presentation Award

Talal Salti 698x800

Redox Meidicine 2023 Best Poster Presentation Award

Talal Salti, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

"Induction of Hydrogen Sulfide Production and Protein Persulfidation in Activated Human and Mouse Macrophages"

Dr. Salti stated: "Many studies suggest that H2S can regulate inflammatory signaling in macrophages, but little is understood mechanistically as to how such regulation is achieved. H2S affects different cellular processes through protein persulfidation, which can enhance/inhibit or otherwise modulate protein activity and also preserve protein function during oxidative stress. In this project, we are investigating the roles of H2S and thiol persulfidation in the macrophage inflammatory response".

Dr. Salti communicated the following future steps with RMS team:

  1. To characterize H2S metabolism and function during macrophage activation.  
  2. To reveal molecular mechanisms through which the mitochondrial H2S oxidation pathway regulates inflammatory signaling in macrophages.
  3. To identify and characterize macrophage proteins regulated by thiol persulfidation.

If you wish to learn more about this award winning poster, the asbtracts of all presented communications during Redox Medicine 2023 can be found in the conference abstracts book.

Conference replay is also available if you wish to catch up on the presented talks.

Learn more about the available conference materials.

Redox Medicine 2023 Congress
June 21-23, 2023 - Paris, France
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