Reactive Sulfide Species: An emerging paradigm in Redox Biology

kenneth olson paris redox 2018The scientific committee of Paris Redox 2019 is honoured to be welcoming Prof. Kenneth R. Olson, Emeritus Professor of Physiology at Indiana University School of Medicine - South Bend, USA for the 21st International Conference on Oxidative Stress Reduction, Redox Homeostasis and Antioxidants.

During Paris Redox 2016, Prof. Olson was awarded for his scientific contribution and his high-quality presentation on "Are Reactive Oxygen Species actually reactive sulfide species?".

To access all the information about this award, please click here.

For this new congress, Prof. Olson will discuss"Reactive Sulfide Species: An emerging paradigm in Redox Biology”.

According to Prof. Olson: The chemistry and biological targets of reactive sulfide species (RSS) are strikingly similar to those of reactive oxygen species (ROS) yet RSS have been largely overlooked by the research community.  In this talk I will discuss the similarities between RSS and ROS, analytical difficulties in distinguishing between the two, and describe recent work showing that manipulation of antioxidant pathways has profound effects on RSS. I will also discuss how a number of therapeutic applications directed toward ROS may actually be mediated through RSS.

For more information about this presentation and Paris Redox Congress:

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