What is the impact of the dietary antioxidant capacity on the risk of type 2 diabetes?

francesca manciniA recent study lead by Dr. Guy Fagherazzi, from Unité Inserm 1018 « Centre de Recherche en Epidémiologie et Santé des populations » Equipe “Générations et Santé”, Villejuif, France: "Dietary antioxidant capacity and risk of type 2 diabetes in the large prospective E3N-EPIC cohort", was published in Diabetologia, 2017.

During Paris Redox 2018, Dr Francesca Mancini, one of the co-author of the study, will present the results of the publication.

The strategic questions which will be answered during her talk are the following:

  • How to evaluate total antioxidant capacity in a large prospective cohort study?
  • Is the consumption of antioxidant rich foods associated with a decreased risk of type 2 diabetes?
  • What about coffee and wine?
  • Antioxidants and diabetes: the more the better?

To access to the preliminary agenda of Paris Redox:

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