Uric acid: A major energy regulator of the cell turning into a killer of pancreatic B-cells


The Paris Redox 2019 Committee is pleased to welcome again Dr. Andrew Bahn from the University of Otago, New Zealand for the 21th International Conference on Oxidative Stress Reduction, Redox Homeostasis and Antioxidant.

Dr. Bahn will talk about "Uric acid: A major energy regulator of the cell turning into a killer of pancreatic b-cells".

About the presentation: Uric acid (UA) is known as the main antioxidant in the blood. High levels of UA are known as a cause of gout and are associated with hypertension, cancer or even diabetes mellitus. I will discuss our latest findings on how UA may control energy homeostasis as well as cell death via the mTOR complex in pancreatic b-cells.

For more information about this presentation and Paris Redox Congress:

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